Community Connections Project of Longmont

- Alliances for a Sustainable Future -

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What We Do

CCPLongmont facilitates educational opportunity, develops leadership skills and integrates individuals and entities through common cause and shared interest. Initial efforts for the project have been centered on developing programs related specifically to gardening, animal rescue/dog training and health and wellness activities at our intergenerational community center. The intent over time, however, is to continue to develop and/or sponsor collaborative projects that encourage civic engagement and facilitate solutions to a wide range of community concerns, including but not limited to: youth mentoring, mental health, homelessness, accessible public transportation, the inclusion of people with disabilities, healthy food production and the human/wildlife interface.

Gardening and Environmental Awareness

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”
-Audrey Hepburn

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Health and Wellness

“Breathing is our participation with the cosmic dance. When our breath is in harmony, cosmos nourishes us in every sense.”
― Amit Ray, Beautify your Breath

Animal Rescue and Dog Training

CCPLongmont strives for the ideal and most ancient of relationships with animals; that of partnership.

Civic Engagement and Journalism

“Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.”
-Henry Anatole Grunwald

Mentoring and Support Groups

“Students must have initiative; they should not be mere imitators. They must learn to think and act for themselves – and be free.”
– Cesar Chavez

Accessible Transportation

“The ADA was a wonderful achievement. But it was only a tiny tip of the iceberg. You can pass a law, but until you change society’s attitudes that law won’t mean much.”
-Denise Sherrer Jacobson, Writer and Disability Educator

Gardening and Environmental Awareness

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Health and Wellness
Animal Rescue and Dog Training
Civic Engagement and Journalism
Mentoring and Support Groups
Accessible Transportation

Community Connections Project of Longmont has an inclusive philosophy. With over 50 years of combined experience in the field of special education, we are well versed in designing programs and planning for the needs of individuals with a wide range of abilities. We encourage and make possible the participation of people with disabilities by sponsoring and developing programs that result in learning opportunities for the participant, increased accessibility and respite care for families.

Support for Individuals with Differing Abilities
CCPLongmont develops, facilitates and conducts the following activities:
Educational Programs:

CCPLongmont is developing and conducting classes related to sponsored or developed areas of focus; for example, gardening classes, dog training classes, environmental awareness classes/information, diversity awareness classes/information, civic projects and events.

CCPLongmont has an inclusive philosophy. It is the intent of the project to encourage and make possible the participation of people with disabilities by sponsoring and/or developing programs that result in learning opportunities for the participant, increased accessibility and respite care for families.

It is the belief/experience of the members of CCPLongmont that getting to know one another in relaxed settings often leads to better understanding of one another and an increase in positive relationships which, in turn, benefits the community as a whole. Social events will be offered and sponsored by the project.

As projects are identified, information is disseminated via a variety of mediums including, but not limited to: person to person, group presentations, social media, news organizations, radio.

From time to time, CCPLongmont will hold special events in order to raise funds in support of its programming. Examples of fundraising events might be a dinner, a concert, a class, the selling of merchandise or a competitive event.

CCPLongmont Needs Your Help

Current Donatable Items Needed:
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Looking For A Healthy Way To Give?

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As an Alliance Partner, proceeds from your purchases at Wispy Greens goes to and directly benefits CCPLongmont.

Wispy Greens is a subscription service where you can get your greens delivered direct to your door, at the frequency of your choosing, all year long.


Lettuce, microgreens, herbs, mushrooms and more!
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The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of any affiliated organizations, employers, or institutions.

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